Continuing Education
Renewal Requirements
Illinois MFTs must complete a total of 30 hours of continuing education every two years in order to renew their license.
Sexual Harrassment Prevention Training
In 2021, IDFPR began a new requirement for licensure renewal. Everyone renewing their license is required by IDFPR to get ONE CE in Sexual Harassment Prevention training. This means that every LMFT needs to complete a one hour training in Sexual Harassment Prevention every two years.
In order to help you meet this requirement, IAMFT has created a video, led by IAMFT Board member Karen Washington, that will meet this requirement. This workshop is required at each renewal of your license and will be required in February 2023 when all LMFTs renew. During January, IAMFT is making this video available to IAMFT members at 50% off.
Mandatory Reporting Training
In addition, DCFS requires a training on Mandatory Reporting every three years. This training is not connected to your license renewal. Many of you completed this training in 2021, meaning you would not have to do so in 2023. However, if you did not complete this training yet, IAMFT has created a ONE CE training on Mandatory Reporting led by IAMFT Board member Stephanie Davingman.