Why should I join IAMFT?
Did you know that all MFTs almost lost their licenses in 2017?
Every ten years, the Illinois LMFT Licensure Act goes through renewal with the state. In the past, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), at the direction of the Governor’s Office, sponsored the renewal legislation. In 2017, the administration of former Governor Bruce Rauner changed that policy and left the bill creation and sponsorship to each profession. They did not, however, notify the affected professions of this sudden policy change.
Because IAMFT had a lobbyist and volunteers in place on the state level who recognized no legislation had been put forward, we contacted the IDFPR and Governor’s Office and learned of the policy change. IAMFT lobbyist Scott Selinger, IAMFT Legislative Chair David Norton and IAMFT Executive Director Derek Ball quickly worked together on your behalf to draft the MFT licensure renewal bill, obtain sponsors for the bill and activate a grassroots lobbying effort to get the bill passed. Without this IAMFT effort, the Illinois LMFT Licensure Act would not have been renewed, effectively leaving each LMFT in Illinois without a valid license.
Imagine how that would have impacted your ability to practice.
This is the kind of behind the scenes work that IAMFT does on behalf of every licensed MFT in Illinois, every day, year round. We are the only professional organization advocating for your license and the field of MFT in Illinois. IAMFT makes sure the LMFT and ALMFT have value in Illinois and are recognized by the state decision-makers who can drastically impact your ability to practice.
In order to continue this work, we need every MFT to become a member. For the price of one or two of your sessions, once a year, you can ensure that IAMFT continues to advocate and protect your licensure here in Illinois.
Because IAMFT is now an independent organization, you can now choose to be a member on the state level only. If you have questions, you can email IAMFTOffice@gmail.com.
Don’t leave this responsibility to someone else. As a profession, there is strength in numbers and without a strong collective effort, we all lose! Become a member of IAMFT and advocate for your state license and your practice with your membership. Without members, there is no IAMFT. Without IAMFT, there is no one to protect your license. Join IAMFT today!
What are the benefits?
Your support of the Illinois Affiliation of Marriage and Family Therapists provides:
A member discount on CEs required to maintain your license
Annual conference, including student scholarships
Assistance with licensure and regulatory process
Unique training and opportunities for the next generation of MFT's
Opportunities for networking with other clinicians