Student Volunteers

Are you a student who would like to help with the conference? Apply for a student volunteer position, which includes a conference fee discount.

Becoming a student volunteer at the IAMFT conference can provide a range of benefits, offering a valuable experience for anyone pursuing a career in counseling or a related field.

1. Networking with Professionals

  • Volunteering offers unique opportunities to connect with seasoned counselors, mental health professionals, and potential mentors. You’ll have more access to speakers, panelists, and attendees, building relationships that could open doors for future internships, jobs, or collaborations.

2. Hands-On Experience

  • Volunteering provides real-world experience in the logistics of organizing and running a professional conference. It gives you insight into the behind-the-scenes operations of large-scale events, which could be useful in future roles requiring project management or event coordination.

3. Exposure to New Ideas

  • As a volunteer, you’ll likely have the chance to attend sessions, workshops, or keynote presentations. This exposure to cutting-edge research, trends, and clinical practices can enhance your academic studies and broaden your perspective on counseling methods and issues.

4. Professional Development

  • Volunteering helps develop important skills such as communication, time management, problem-solving, and teamwork. These skills are essential in both academic and professional settings and will serve you well in your future career.

5. Boosting Your Resume

  • Volunteering at a professional conference adds credibility to your resume, showing potential employers or graduate programs that you are committed to your professional development and willing to engage in extra-curricular activities that foster growth.

6. Affordability

  • Our conference is discounted for student volunteers. This makes it more financially accessible, allowing you to benefit from attending without the full cost typically associated with professional events.

7. Leadership and Responsibility

  • Serving as a volunteer often means taking on responsibilities, from registration duties to assisting speakers or managing sessions. These roles give you a chance to demonstrate leadership, initiative, and responsibility—qualities that will stand out on applications or in future job interviews.

8. Mentorship Opportunities

  • Being a part of the conference team can lead to closer interactions with experienced professionals who may be willing to offer guidance or mentorship. These relationships can be instrumental as you progress in your academic or professional journey.

9. Learning About Conference Etiquette

  • Volunteering gives you insight into the professional environment and culture of counseling conferences, helping you become familiar with how to engage and present yourself in these settings when you eventually attend as a professional.

10. Making a Positive Impact

  • As a volunteer, you’re contributing to the success of an event that fosters growth, education, and networking for the entire counseling community. Being a part of this positive influence can be incredibly rewarding and help reinforce your commitment to the field of marriage and family therapy.

11. Future Presentation Opportunities

  • Volunteering at the conference gives you a firsthand look at how presentations and workshops are conducted. This can provide inspiration and confidence for submitting your own proposal to present at future conferences, as you'll have seen what works and how to prepare.

By volunteering at the conference, you’ll gain not only experience but also access to resources and opportunities that can accelerate your career in the counseling field.

The most powerful therapeutic process I know is to contribute to rich story development.

—Michael White