Welcome to the Illinois Affiliation of Marriage and Family Therapists
Supporting education, training, and mental health advocacy.
As a nonprofit association of LMFTs, ALMFTs and other mental health professionals, our goal is to educate, advocate and affiliate together in order to better serve the individuals, couples and families of Illinois. Through our conference, training and networking opportunities, we support those providing systemic therapy to Illinois families.
Continuing Education Changes for LMFTs
In 2020 during the COVID 19 pandemic Emergency Order, the IDFPR lifted the 50% in-person requirement for CEUs for LMFTs. The removal of the in-person requirement shall remain permanent. The verbiage of the original change has been maintained and reads as follows:
CE hours may be earned through completion of a distance learning course (e.g., pre- recorded online course/program, live online course/program, by mail, computer, etc.) that is offered by an approved sponsor who meets the requirements set forth in subsection (c). Each course shall include an examination.
Continuing Education Opportunities
IAMFT offers online continuing education to help our members fulfill their annual requirements to maintain their licenses.
Learn About Our Annual Conference
Come be a part of this collaborative learning experience as we strive to create a supportive environment for the advancement of marriage and family therapy in Illinois. We look forward to welcoming you with open arms at this inspiring event!
Support for Licensure
Are you overwhelmed by the licesnure process in Illinois? We can help! Check out our resources for those wishing to become ALMFTS and LMFTs.
2025 IAMFT Conference Sponsors
“Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.”
— Virginia Satir

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(312) 971-6846